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From our Customers

two years and many dollars later you fix my bike for under 49 dollars you guys rock!!!!thank you so much your online calculations were spot on thanks!!
Amazing transformation to my 1998 Honda Magna. It used to run extremely lean and it took 20 minutes to warm up so that I could even ride it. Would never start without choke, and the list of issues goes on and on.
I quickly calculated the jet kit needed for my bike and within days you guys had it delivered. A few hours later, I had it installed. Now my bike fires up instantly, without the choke, and is ready to ride without any warm up needed.
Your jet kit and install guide was so easy to follow and install. It is exactly what my bike and I needed. I am looking forward to an amazing year of riding!
Thanks again,
Mike A.
howdy. my name is Jimmy. I don't have a question for you, just a remark on my recent purchase of a 2000 shadow vt600 jet kit. it did an awesome job! thank you very much. it was waaaaaaaaay waaaay cheaper than anything on ebay and i was a little leery at first but hott damn. my bike shits and gets now with no hesitation like it had before hand. thanks again for making a quality product without breaking the bank. if anyone ask me about jet kits, i'll be sending them ya'lls way!
Bike feels more responsive and feels like it wants to rev now as opposed to having to rev because you've twisted the throttle.
The Jet kit calculator is genius, I wouldn't have known what sizes of jets to buy without that and the fact that I live in Scotland, UK and the parts arrived in less than a week is brilliant work on the part of Carbjetkits.
Thank's folks.
Jet calcuation was perfect!If you know what your modification level is,use these guys' jet calculator formula and use their installation instruction link,then chances are you're going to be happy with the results.I know that I am!
Was very pleased with product and seller.
Unleased the beast hiding in my 2000 honda shadow 600. My bike is known to be a bit sluggish but I love it anyway. After slip on mufflers, high flow air filter, 4 degree advanced timing and a jet kit from carbjetkits my bike has power all across the band. Now there's no hesitation off the line and a little twist of the throttle will put a smile on my face. Warm up use to take a good 5-10min. Now she's ready to go as soon as i get my helmet and gloves on.
Ordered larger jets for my 86 vf700c magna and was very satisfied bike runs like new. Thanks again! !
All is ok! Thank you, Guys!
1/16/16 POD FILTER jey kit.

I just installed this jet kit. on my 85 vt500 bobber. I used both shims and PLESE NOTE MY SLIDES ARE DRILLED.

I set the A/F screws at the stock setting of 2.25 turns out. She fired up cold; 50* outside temp; instantly. WITHOUT choke but with winter time spark plugs. I set the idle and took her out. SHE RAN like a raped Ape. Fast as hell.

Thank you Carbjetkit for taking the time and R&D to find the PERFECT set-up for this mod. AWESOME JOB guys/gals.
I installed a carbon fiber slip-on and your jet kit at the same time on my '95 CB1000 , I can't believe it's the same bike!!! All this performance for $19.95 is crazy! Thanks again!
Orderd from Canada had jets in hand in under a week ,good prices , fast service excellant.... highly recommended.
I too was a skeptic, I used the calculator and glad I did. My 1985 Honda shadow VT500C runs like a completely different bike! I had a slight bog when opening the throttle from an idle. Problem solved. :) Will use again if I put the MAC pipes on.
Jet size calculator is a very useful tool. Answered the queations and ordered recomended size jets. They arrived sooner than expected. Poduct fits and easy to intstall. Highly recommend your site.
Ordered 4 idles and 4 mains. Calculator was right on. Put these in my 94 CBR600F2. It had sat for 10 years. I cleaned jets to get running and ran for 1 year. Ordered these to replace. Took it out for a test run. Seems smooth and powerful. Still need to set idle air mixture screws. But so far so good. D tool will help with adjustment. Will follow up when tuned in 100%. But for now looks really good.
Ordered the Ultimate CarbJetKit for my '07 Honda Sabre. Installed and worked great. I have a few questions, called CarbJetKit guy and he took care of us.