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Before you start Re-jetting!

First, Thank you for purchasing a CarbJetKit jet kit for your motorcycle.

Re-jetting is or atleast should be more then just replacing the jets. Often people buy a jet kit to resolve a lean condition, in the hope it resolves all issues.

Before and while you are installing the jet kit, several basic maintenance duties need to be performed.

Working on the carburetors starts where the fuel start, meaning the fuel tank.

Start by draining the fuel in your tank in to a glass container and inspect the fuel coming out of the tank. is it clear, milky or does it contain any debris?

 If it is not clear or if it is old gass, dispose of the gass and take a closer look inside your tank.

Do you notice any debris, rust? simply add some fresh fuel to the tank, shake the tank and drain it again.

Do this untill the fuel out of the gass tank is clear. If the tank is rusted, additional work is needed.

Next is the petcock and fuel filter. Make sure the petcock is working 100% to allow for superior fuel flow.

Check the filter, is it clean? Replace if needed.

Also check the fuel lines from the tank to the carburetors, are they leaking, do they have any kinks or are they detoriating?

Don't forget to take a look at your fuel pump. Is it working properly?

Here is a simple test, Your carbs have a drain screw, open the drain screw and see if you get a continues flow for a minute. Your bike's contact might need to be on to test this.

The above ensures you that you have sufficient clean fuel going to the carburetors.

Next is to set your idle speed. consult with the service manual of your bike to see what the recommended idle RPM is. Adjust as needed

A new or clean air filter and new spark plugs are a requirement to get optimal results.

If your motorcycle has more then one carburetor, only work on one at a time!!

When you are at the point where you replace the Main and/or Pilot jets, take special care and look for debris in the carb bowl.check all passages and use some light air pressure to clean.

Before you remove the pilot screws, see your service manual for the stock setting in turns out.

Turn the pilot screw to the close position untill you feel a light resistance and count the number of turns.

Compare this to the recommended turns from the service manual.

Remove the pilot screws and see if everything is free of debris. make sure note of the condition of the pilot screw O-ring. Reinstall the pilot screws and set to the recommended turns.

Take a look at the float valves, are they adjustable is my float level correct, are the float needles leaking?

Let's move on the shimming the needles.

Shimming the needles allows for more fuel delivery at mid range rpm's without costly modification to the needle slides.

Again, do one carburetor at a time since some motorcycle use different needles and springs.

While you are shimming the needles look at the slide.

There is the center hole where the needle sits and one or two smaller holes to the side.

Make sure they are not plugged by debris and if so use some light compressed air to clean, do not drill!

Also look for scratch marks on your slides, if you find any, try to determine where it comes from.

When you are done rejetting and have installed the carbs back on the bike, open the drain scres on the carbbowls, open the petcock and allow a small amount of fuel to flow out of the carb bowl drains.

Make sure the fuel is clear and clean. Now close the drain screws.

Start you bike, if possible without using choke and let it idle for 10 to 20 minutes.

check the idle rpm's and do a carburetor synchronisation.

